- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- Defence of the Ancients
Defence of the Ancients
This is the first release maps Dota. What realized in map:
* 1. Five basic stores: Cache of Quel-thelan, Ancient of Wonders, Sena The Accesorizer, Weapons Dealer, Marketplace. Each of them is ...
This is the first release maps Dota. What realized in map:
* 1. Five basic stores: Cache of Quel-thelan, Ancient of Wonders, Sena The Accesorizer, Weapons Dealer, Marketplace. Each of them is only part of the artifacts from Dota.
* 2. Hero of inventory in six slots. Complete list of artifacts that exist at the moment in the game: Belt Of Giant Strength, Blades Of Attack, Boots Of Speed, Circlet Of Nobility, Clarity Potion, Dust Of Appearance, Gauntlets Of Ogre Strength, Gem Of True Sight, Healing Salve, Helm Of Iron Will, Hyperstone, Messerschmidt's Reaver, Ogre Axe, Ring Of Health, Ring Of The Regeneration, Slippers Of Agility, Ultimate Orb. Clarity Potion and Healing Salve not working properly at this time. If you take the artifact, then you will be the effect of regeneration after a while it will end, but if you throw item and take it again, the effect will again be on you. Items at the moment not stack. I.e. if you buy two identical artifacts, then the effect will be only one. Complete information on the items can be found here
* 3. Hero with 3 attributes: agility, intelligence, strength. Mechanics of the hero is taken from Dota, Storm Spirit. You can see it here.
* 4. Hero has four abilities: psi storm, wind walk, force field, nuclear strike. Psi storm, wind walk, force field can be the fourth level. Nuclear strike can be a third level. In addition there is the ability of add +2 permanent bonus to each attribute. There is 10 levels.
* 5. Soundtrack from the film, you know what is it:).
* 6. Leaderbord with ranks and info about wave.
* 7. You will lose if The World Tree dies.
* 8. Towers with mechanics Dota. You can see it here
* 9. Added Well Of Life. It’s the most powerful structure in game. He has aura of regeneration and deals 190-199 damage with big attack speed. His mechanics you can see here. Moreover he made fun animation damage:).
* 10. You can use commands:
1. -lvlup Level up your hero.
2. -lvlup xx When xx - number>=24. Increases the level of your hero to the last.
3. -minerals xxxx Give you xxxx minerals.
4. -ms Show movement speed of hero.
* 11. Added the revival of the hero. There are currently studied by the ability not to remember at the death of the hero, only level.
* 12. For killing creeps hero gets minerals and experience in a range 10(as 1000 range in Dota). Complete information on these data can be found here.
* 13. The relief maps made by analogy with DotA. At this point normally made only base Sentiel and its surroundings.
* 14. I do not know whether to work in a multiplayer game. You can try to play Mirror on the internet. If you play on the internet put game speed to normal.
* 15. Three types of lane creeps. Sentiel: Treant, Druid of the Talon, Glaive Thrower. Scourge: Ghoul, Necromancer, Meat Wagon. Mechanics of course taken from Dota.
Attention: item Phase Boots give you maximum movement speed. It's cheat item. I added it, so you can quickly check the map if you want.
Attention: If you have param value on buttons, heroes, items and so on, you must open all of them in map and press ok, same with triggers, still no good solution here. The translation is everywhere, it's a bug map editor. I don't know why it happened. When i open other maps, i have param value too on buttons and units.
As you can see, I'm trying to implement the mechanics of DotA in the map. Map is still very raw, so do not be surprised if you find bugs.
When creating a map, I have used materials, ideas, mods of Terrens, xhatix, Th3LaughingMan, Picklefish, Bifuu. Load screen by Ashirox. Good luck and have fun.
Change Log
* 1. Now there are two sides: sentiel and scourge. Currently only implemented the middle lane. Tower and the main building identical. All the mechanics taken from Dota.
* 2. Added five basic ...
* 1. Now there are two sides: sentiel and scourge. Currently only implemented the middle lane. Tower and the main building identical. All the mechanics taken from Dota.
* 2. Added five basic stores: Cache of Quel-thelan, Ancient of Wonders, Sena The Accesorizer, Weapons Dealer, Marketplace. Each of them is only part of the artifacts from Dota.
* 3. Complete list of artifacts that exist at the moment in the game: Belt Of Giant Strength, Blades Of Attack, Boots Of Speed, Circlet Of Nobility, Clarity Potion, Dust Of Appearance, Gauntlets Of Ogre Strength, Gem Of True Sight, Healing Salve, Helm Of Iron Will, Hyperstone, Messerschmidt's Reaver, Ogre Axe, Ring Of Health, Ring Of The Regeneration, Slippers Of Agility, Ultimate Orb. Clarity Potion and Healing Salve not working properly at this time. If you take the artifact, then you will be the effect of regeneration after a while it will end, but if you throw item and take it again, the effect will again be on you. Items at the moment not stack.
* 4. Game speed is now set to normal. Speed of movement creeps and a hero transformed.
* 5. The relief maps made by analogy with DotA. At this point normally made only base Sentiel and its surroundings.
* 6. I do not know whether to work in a multiplayer game. You can try to play Mirror on the internet. If you play on the internet put game speed to normal.
- Categories:
- AoS (Dota-like) Role Playing (RPG) Unfinished
- Author:
- KorvinGump 4
- Filename:
- Defence_of_the_Ancients_0.8.SC2Map
- Project Page:
- Defence of the Universe
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 6.0 MB
- Overall Rating:
3 / 5 (10 votes, ranked #321) - Tags:
- dota
- Players:
- N/A
- Tileset:
- BelShir
- Dimensions:
- 216x216
- Favorites:
- 4
- Downloads (Total):
- 2,619
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- MugiwaranoRufi 4
- Discovered On:
- May 19, 2010
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Defence of the Ancients
Defence_of_the_Ancients_0.8.SC2Map (6.0 MB)
- Released:
- May 19, 2010
- Downloads:
- 2,619
- Direct Link:

- Opinion:
10 votes considered -
- Good
- Terrain:
- Units:
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- Featured May 19, 2010
User Comments
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Good Job!
does this works with SCALLin1??
can i play against a ai-less enemy? just for the test?
Develop maps closed :( . If you want to be my successor, I can send you a map of where nearly a four new hero. Good-bye, you will not soon see me.
From Warcraft 3 of course. Exported from wc3 and imported in sc2 with .m3 utility.
where you get the centaur model ?
Hi all. Want to share new warcaft 3 armor system, that i will implement in future version of my map. You can get additional information and download map here.
@Syryuu: Seriously? that's amazing!!!
Hello everyone.
My map is almost ready and I need people who can test my map in a closed beta test to find bugs. I created a blog dedicated to my map dotu.blog.com, where you can find lots of interesting information about the new chips, which will appear in version 1.0. After several days of testing or may be week, I'll publish map into public on battle.net. You can sign up on beta test here. Beta testing will begin on August 15. I will contact you when I'm ready. I will not be home until the 15 th, so do not be surprised if I do not respond to your message.
And lastly a new video of my map, where you'll see a new system of lighting, day and night.
I agree, keep this crap outta SC2!!
It might just be with me but after you destroy the first tower creeps just seem to run by each other in the lanes
What a great idea i hope that this map will develope even more HEHEHE thank you...
Problem is in hero "oscillation" across targeted enemy.
Hi Kosheus.
The problem can only be if you want to throw out phase boots from the inventory. What else could be the problem? This problem is normal because with phase boots you have a maximum movement speed.
There is the major targeting problem with dark temlar wearing phase boots.
i like this map but it's to easy to win it :( you should make many enemy units and the structeres very stronger and if a Barrack is destroyed no units should be spawned :D
very interesting hero but of course if you make skintone and animation for him :)
like this one in your site
IMO its better that you create SC2 heroes instead of WC heroes.
May not be much now, but this map has great potential in the future.
Keep it up!
Korvin, as soon as I get some time (probably this week) I'll take a look at why your image didn't load. It automatically pulls it from the map and generates the preview image used on the site usually.
I also gave 2/5.
So wath is the difference then?
This game is far from complete.
And very dul to play at this moment.
I rated this game for the fun it gave me now, not for the potential gameplay it maybe will give me in 1 or 2 years.
How i can this map daownload?
this is GREAT map, keep it up
preview image will load automatically from map, you cant change it here .
That's different, you didn't factor in the idea that it's designed to be a final product like he did. You rated it within reason, he didn't.
Well, thank you for the effort you've put into this, but I think that SC2 would allow you to really focus on improving dota-style gameplay, rather than trying to make as accurate a port as possible. 2/5 for now, but I'll be curious enough to check back to see if this develops into something better.
How i can change preview image?
One thing that you could add in the next version could be a save feature as I got up to level 13 and by then I had, had enough of playing.