Red Circle TD 1.3a

Rank 1,792 out of 2,924 in StarCraft 2
This map is part of the Red Circle TD 1.9e project.
A newer version of this map, Red Circle TD 1.9e, is available.

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  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.1 Beta

    5 stars for the updates good work!
    Loving how this project is going.
    Few things that would be good to see which you're probably already onto. The rounds such as the mineral node round where there are no death animations need triggered exposions or whatever placed in so they don't just disappear.

    Also obviously I'd love to see some new towers, maybe using some the new attack styles in starcraft II. I'd really like to see another laser tower, or maybe the last level of the laser tower using the Void Ray charge up attack.

    Keep up the good work :D

  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.1 Beta

    Very nice, Hydro.

  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.1 Beta

    Good job. The second to easiest setting is still impossible to beat. A few more tower options would be nice. I think upgrades that are cheaper to increase damage 50% instead of 100+% may be more reasonable. There could be an energy/mana thing to strategically cast slow on units to liven things up and make it more skill based. 2-3 sizes of Nukes with a trade for money may liven things up and make it more strategic too. Keep working on it. It is fun as it is. Keep it up!

  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.1 Beta

    It's a good map, a bit difficult I'd say, but who knows how it will turn out when there are 4 players on the circle.

    Just 1 complaint, the laser tower doesn't seem worth building.
    -Level 1 does 25+4(armor) damage for 75 minerals (2.59 minerals per damage)
    -Level 2 does 50+4(armor) for a total cost value of 200 minerals (3.7 minerals per damage).
    Level 2 is not even close to the same value as level 1. If there's a reason like limited build space that makes them so expensive that's fine, but I found myself never wanting to build laser towers.

  • Project Contributor In response to Red Circle TD 1.1 Beta

    @manmoths: next map will have new lazer towers with archon, mothership and colussus effects, i tried void ray but it gets bugged and residual rays stay there forever (dunno why)...

    @Brent: sounds like a good idea but need a lot of work,i dont have mush time atm but i will see..

    @Ragedaw u should not look the dmg only, lazer tower has more than 2x attack speed than basic tower... (but ye the updates are a little expensive, i will lower the price on updates a bit for next ver)

  • In response to Red Circle TD

    HI Hydro, 1st of all thx for the nice map you make, i've played 6 times yesterday ,i tried 100% at the start, but din't even able to make it to wave 13, for 75%, i made it to wave 22, for 50%, i made it to wave 35. There's a few things need to mention:
    1st: The Basic tower, good damage, but for the level 6 & 7, i do notice the attacks for tower lvl 6 is "2" and tower lvl 7 is "4", which means it was suppose to attack twice/four times on a target but it didn't.

    2nd:The cost for the splash tower is way tooo expensive , and the damage for the level 1 till level 5 aren't alot, wave 3 mobs onwards already have health more than 300 ++ and my level 2 splash tower only has 44 damage? that's really not worth to build.

    3rd:Laser towers, good use at the start, but lvl 2 onwards, not really use full, damage way too low, and very costly for lvl 3 as it only increase damage by 50 from lvl 2 to lvl 3. You can drop the price for level 3.

    4th:Since different towers has attack bonus done to different type of armor, why don't get use on it? Laser tower's base damage can more, but the damage done to armor unit will have even more bonus!
    And another upgrade for AA tower, so it'll have 2 different upgrades, regular one does lot's of damage to single target, another 1 does 35~45% lower damage but does splash :)
    Overall you need to nerf the damage for splash towers and also do some price changes 1st.

    So i'm having some suggestion that , u can make the splash tower to extra damage to bio units, the AA tower can little bit cheaper(cost 100~200 minerals for level 6 & 7 upgrades.)

    THat's all the comment i can think of for now. I will continue try out the maps to look for any bugs.
    Hope you make a best TD map out for this

    Registered User
  • In response to Red Circle TD

    haha! I finished this TD! You must construct 8 basic towers and 8 aa towers and 2 splash towers and you are good to go... 50% easiest level

  • In response to Red Circle TD

    FUCK! WTF!

    skip the replay to 37:16!

    Look the money is stuck at 666!


  • Project Contributor In response to Red Circle TD

    thx all for the comments, i did most of the changes that u asked for.

    @windblaze i like the idea of damage bonus but.. if i do that i will have to remake all waves because it may have 20 secuencial levels of biological and things like that... and the dificulty system... maybe some day.. but im focused now in new towers and balacing....

  • In response to Red Circle TD

    Nice map, a bit too easy but nice mechanic ideas to make the map lost when there is too much unit out. keep up the good work !

  • Project Contributor In response to Red Circle TD

    well u can choose dificulty... some ppl say that its too hard... im sure u played the easiest option...

  • In response to Red Circle TD

    Hydro,i agree with you, but np, you can slowly work out on that damage system, basically i think you don't need to change so many waves, you can just change their armor types, will do good. :)

    Registered User
  • In response to Red Circle TD

    Excellent work, upgrades feel a lot more in line in 1.2 and the nuke as an 'oh sh**' button is a very nice addition.

  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.2

    I just won on 100% without using Nuke - nice map so far

    I noticed that in some levels the enemies didn't give money, I think in the one before vespine geysir or so?

  • Project Contributor In response to Red Circle TD 1.2

    @Rave i checked all unit values and they all should be giving minerals...

  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.2

    Level 38, is missing the flag that allows it to give a kill resource. In Stats - Flags check mark Kill Credit for Infestor Terrans Egg.

  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.2

    more nicer and better for now, but din't went test all the towers trough the whole game, will give you more feedback.

    Registered User
  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.2

    The improvements to the laser tower were very needed. 80% is beatable and 90% is beatable. Previously the second to easiest setting was impossible. Good improvement. The nuke feature is strategic and nice. Keep up the good work! It's much better than the original.

  • Project Contributor In response to Red Circle TD 1.2

    right, that will be fixed on next ver, thx ragedaw and thx rave

  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.2a

    The nukes dont seem to work? tried putting them close to the creeps and far, and when i tried to nuke nothing happened. Other than that good map so far

  • Project Contributor In response to Red Circle TD 1.2b

    there are several issues with patch 13. should work fine with version 1.2b

  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.2b

    Just tried the nukes and was able to win 110%. =)
    Let's see how hard 120% will be to beat ... keep it up!

  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.2b

    1.2b work perfectly with patch 13, thanks for the quick fix Hydro !

    @Rave : i would be interested @ your replay i cannot find any strategy to win after 100%, thanks :)

  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.2b

    Interesting game, Bout time I find a tower defence where you don't have to use units.

    Registered User
  • In response to Red Circle TD 1.2c

    Where can I find the replay? Is it created automatically?

    I was going with one Bunker, two Splash, two Anti-Air and a Detector tower, if that helps you. ;) And I had to use some nukes, but had one remaining at the end and think at least one of them wasn't necessary to use, but I tried them for the first time. ;)

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