Name: Acid Bath
Version: 1.0
Players: 4
Available now on US/EU. Search for "Acid Bath".
High-Res Picture Gallery: here.
TeamLiquid Thread:here.
Map ...
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Name: Acid Bath
Version: 1.0
Players: 4
Available now on US/EU. Search for "Acid Bath".
High-Res Picture Gallery: here.
TeamLiquid Thread:here.
Map Image:

Map Info:
A 4 player map, designed primarily for 1v1 play. The layout is influenced strongly by both Lost Temple and Metalopolis, in the hope of recreating the well-balanced nature of those maps, while including enough major and subtle changes to create an all-new experience.
Players start in a corner of the map, with a large high-ground base, leading to an easily defended natural expansion and a manageable choke. A ramp with destructible rocks (or in this case scrap metal) leads up to a 2nd "semi-island" expansion which is shared with the opposite main base. Two gold expansions can be found in the centre of the map to the north and south. The small patches of high ground on either side of the gold expansions are mostly unpathable (to stop siege tanking the main mineral line).
There are 4 watchtowers in the centre of the map, providing vision of much of the middle ground. However, flanking unnoticed is still a possibility. The towers themselves are surrounded by high ground on one side and LOS blockers on the other.
Rush distances vary greatly depending on spawn. Hopefully this will lead to a lot of variety in how games play out, akin to Lost Temple.
Top Down; Angled:
Main Ramp to Natural:
Main/Nat Choke:
Backdoor/Entrance to 3rd:
3rd "Semi-Island" Base:
Gold Entrance:
Gold Minerals:

Watchtower Range:
Middle Choke:
Map Centre (zoomed out slightly):
Other Pictures:

Available now on US/EU. Search for "Acid Bath".
Honestly, there are many good ideas in this map but I think overall it doesn't measure up to funcmode's other maps as well.
The acid background is cool, but sort of harsh visually.
The arms on the E/W expo have fun possibilities, they are similar to the cliff between naturals on Kulas, but this map feels more "fair" because the arms aren't directly against the natural's mineral line!
This is definitely a solid map.
Great map, although i find myself having so much extra space in my base IMHO
how i add maps pliiz help me ??? i lunch the game but no maps help ??
Gonna try it, hope it will be good!