- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- Hidden
Always wanted to become a predator?
This is a release version of a map called Hidden, which has been through many hours of ...
Always wanted to become a predator?
This is a release version of a map called Hidden, which has been through many hours of work and now it's finally over, waiting for you on Battle.net! This is a duel map with lots of tall, line-of-sight blocking grass in which you can hide your forces and attack your unexpected enemy. There are many cliffs and backdoors which will keep you and your enemy in constant danger. Become a paranoic while trying to hold the gold expansion in the middle!
3 top strategies for Hidden are shown on the loading screen.
Feel free to write any ideas/suggestions or if you found any bugs/balance issues to sajuukh@gmail.com or if you wish to help me with testing, add me on EU #957 This map will be maintained for a long time. Please rate it, comment it and write reviews if you liked it! Have fun! ;)
Here are some in-editor screenshots for your eyes pleasure:
Change Log
1.0 - dozens of visual changes, many gameplay and balance tweaks, removed the rocks from high ground expansion and created backdoors at main bases, added a sexy loading screen and full support of ...
1.0 - dozens of visual changes, many gameplay and balance tweaks, removed the rocks from high ground expansion and created backdoors at main bases, added a sexy loading screen and full support of Battle.net
0.9.2 - first public release
0.9.3 - deleted lots of grass to decrease game lag; increased the size of grass; dozens of cosmetic changes and additions.
0.9.4 - decreased a number of grass; fixed the bug with ramps and large crystals - you can't pass them and build inside them anymore; adjusted lighting so now it looks epic and really dark.
1.0 - dozens of visual changes, many gameplay and balance tweaks, removed the rocks from high ground expansion and created backdoors at main bases, added a sexy loading screen and full support of Battle.net
- Map Style:
- Melee
- Categories:
- Strategy
- Author:
- Sajuukh 3
- Filename:
- Hidden 1.0.SC2Map
- Project Page:
- Hidden
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 2.6 MB
- Tags:
- 1v1, epic, heavy, hide, hiding, predator, rain, trap
- Players:
- 2
- Teams:
- 2
- Tileset:
- BelShir
- Dimensions:
- 144x144
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 305
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Sajuukh 3
- Discovered On:
- Aug. 15, 2010
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- JavaScript Widget:
- Direct Link:

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