Wasteland Battlegrounds

Rank 932 out of 2,923 in StarCraft 2
This map is part of the Wasteland Battlegrounds project.
A newer version of this map, Wasteland Battlegrounds, is available.

Team Information


  • Neutral (Neutral)
  • Player 1 (Human)
  • Player 2 (Human)
  • Hostile (Hostile)

User Comments

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  • In response to Wasteland Battlegrounds

    Ok, this map is not balanced. First of all, there are 3 ramps which makes it impossible to block early rushes via a chokepoint. Also the open middle ground has nothing in it so it doesnt serve a point. Another point is that the player has very little room to build his base. Even though your map is 160x160 i found it lacking space for your base. Also, the rocks/piles of scrap are just useless because its stupid for the opponent/you to have possibility of creating another direction to attack dispite the multitude already available to him/her/you. Fix the ramps!!! Also, there should be points where to expand further because just 1 (un)natural expansion per player is clearly not enough since most of the time these things end in a stalemate.
    (This is just feedback, im not trying to insult you)

  • Project Contributor In response to Wasteland Battlegrounds

    Yeah I'm not near done with this map (I should of said so in the description) but thank you for the feed back, I've realized that the ramp spam is a bit much. And no there's not much room yet.

    US Beta
  • In response to Wasteland Battlegrounds

    I like the ramp spam. It forces player to actually rely on their skill. It's just everyone blocks their ramps now. That wasn't a big deal in brood war. Keep it and people will actually have to use bunkers cannons and zerg might actually win!

    US Beta
  • In response to Wasteland Battlegrounds

    Honestly it doesnt matter if you block the ramp since it kinda ruins the game by having protoss/zerg rush terran bases since there was no clear choke point to begin with. Having a chance to block your base is one thing, getting through is second thing, but actually defending is another(grrr i hate marauder micro, with conc shells).
    Usually i could easily break into my opponents base without him even realizing it and well if you can spare one unit(most cases you can) you can break the blocker near the expansion(takes quite awhile but it gets done) so your opponent will pretty much have no further chance of building anything there.
    (PS! Some texture variety doesnt hurt. Just saying :D)

  • In response to Wasteland Battlegrounds

    Replayed it on your newer version and i found it much better.(gameplay wise)
    Still there are things to improve on such as:
    1. The hill on which the Xel Naga tower lies is way too cramped. I tried to use it as a strategic point but it fails in that matter since i cant even use most of my firepower. Suggestion: Make it larger so maybe two units can pass eachother?
    2. The additional expansions are good, but there is still way too much empty space on this map. Use it for something!
    3. The textures still need some more variety. Since it is a wasteland, you can maybe add like some dust on the metal or whatever just so it is more pleasing for the eye.

    Good job so far, i can see your on the right way :D


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