- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- The Great Temple
The Great Temple
This massive temple survived the years of war due to it's remote location and impressive defense capabilities. Rich in mineral deposits defending troops simply outlasted their opponents safely ...
This massive temple survived the years of war due to it's remote location and impressive defense capabilities. Rich in mineral deposits defending troops simply outlasted their opponents safely behind high walls.
Each player starts in one of the far corners outside the temple walls, resources only last so long and there's only small expansions to be found. As the game progresses you'll be forced to work your way into the temple, via choke point paths, for the more populated, but ultimately harder to defend due to proximity, resources.
Four heavily forested islands provide rich resources but are not easy to defend or build any kind of base on.
At the heart of the map is the temple itself, the bridges burned long ago the island temple is well stocked with rich minerals and gas and contains the last standing artifact in the area: the Eye of the Temple, a supercharged version of the Xel'Naga tower with a sight range nearly three times as large as normal.
Change Log
Version 1.1
- Added defensible raised ground at the base entrances
- Added small mineral deposits at new defense areas
- Altered inner temple ruined walls to better match theme
- Added pathing ...
Version 1.1
- Added defensible raised ground at the base entrances
- Added small mineral deposits at new defense areas
- Altered inner temple ruined walls to better match theme
- Added pathing blockers to raised ground in base areas; these raised areas were used to equalize build space but due to the unevenness of the map some had more space then others, space enough to drop units on. This is no longer possible
- Categories:
- Assault Strategy
- Author:
- Sysra 2
- Filename:
- (4) The Great Temple.SC2Map
- Project Page:
- The Great Temple
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 2.3 MB
- Tags:
- 2v2, ffa
- Players:
- 4
- Tileset:
- BelShir
- Dimensions:
- 256x256
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,117
- Downloads (Daily):
- 1 (ranked #303)
- Submitted By:
- Sysra 2
- Discovered On:
- Nov. 19, 2010
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The Great Temple
(4) The Great Temple.SC2Map (2.3 MB)
- Released:
- Nov. 19, 2010
- Downloads:
- 1,117
- Direct Link:

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Team Information
- Neutral (Neutral)
- Player 1 (Human)
- Player 2 (Human)
- Player 3 (Human)
- Player 4 (Human)
- Hostile (Hostile)
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Just to clarify: the no pathing addition wasn't because I dislike the idea/tactic of units (especially something like Reaper Rush) using the raised ground as a path in it's because some bases only had thin, unnavigable walls for the sake of visual continuity while some had larger ones used to balance out each of the bases available build space which meant only some of the teams were open to certain tactics and I didn't want someone to win/lose a fight because of luck of where they started.