Burning Tide

Rank 500 out of 2,923 in StarCraft 2

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  • In response to Burning Tide

    Please remove "Burning Tide Unlimited Resources v1.0.SC2Map." When I tested it in one player mode with the editor, everything worked fine, but when I downloaded your launcher program and ran it, none of the triggers worked, making this basically a normal map. The NPCs are present, but I did not realize one of them was Invulnerable, which kinda messes things up gameplay-wise. Thanks!

    Registered User
  • In response to Burning Tide

    Umm, I see some folks have downloaded this. Please be advised it is not ready to be released until I can figure out how to make it work as intended with the SC2Allin1 program. I have another version where I removed the indestructible NPC, but until I can get it to work I am not uploading it. Again, I request that this be taken off the site until I can get a fully ready version to upload. This is my very first map remake so give me some time. Thanks!

    Registered User

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