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  • Sorry to disappoint, but in the early game AI is quite bad :)

    I use the latest 0.56 version.

    Zerg is particularly affected.

    T3H bugz

    1. It quite so often chooses early expansion instead of attack, which doesn't really work well on 1v1 maps (when you know where the enemy was placed)

    2. even if you put some units at the gates :P but allow an expansion to happen, a really retarded behaviour is demonstrated. After a new expansion is made the AI spawns a queen and sends to the expansion (this behaviour seems to be hardcoded btw). Outside the creep it moves so slowly so it is nullified by several marines in no time (and AI by that time already knows I'm at the gates!)
    3. Whats even moar funny, AI justifying its name (Artificial Idiot) spawns several drones and sends them to the expansion to be slaughtered by already previously discovered marines.
    4. Even though enemy already is known to be active at the gates, that idiotic Aidiot :) doesn't even spawn some zergs or builds defence. Well actually, it almost never builds ground defence at the main base whatsoever, especially in the early to mid game.

    I totally second others opinion and even more, I'd say if the initial location of the Zerg AI is known, on a small map it is good as dead. Totally rubbish against early attacks.


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