- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- Defence of the Universe
Defence of the Universe
This project is implements the mechanics of Dota. With every new release it will be updated.
What realized in map:
* 1. Four heroes, Marine, Centuar Warchief, Dark Templar, Ghost. They have ...
This project is implements the mechanics of Dota. With every new release it will be updated.
What realized in map:
* 1. Four heroes, Marine, Centuar Warchief, Dark Templar, Ghost. They have 3 attributes: agility, intelligence, strength.
* Strength - 17 + 1.5
* Agility - 22 + 1.8
* Intelligence - 26 + 2.6
He has four abilities: Electric Current, Electric Shock, Marine Shield, Stimpack. In addition there is the ability of add +2 permanent bonus to each attribute. There is 10 levels.
1. Electric Current - Let an Electric Current which is jumped from one unit to another in radius 500 and dealing damage.
2. Electric Shock - Throws a bomb that explodes and creates an Electric Shock in a radius of 200. All units are under the effect of shock are in the stun and receive damage.
3. Marine Shield - Permanently increase health and mana of Marine.
4. Stimpack - Injects the unit with powerful stimulants that increase attack and movement speed for 10 seconds. Injures the unit for % of the unit's health and mana.
Centuar Warchief
* Strength - 23 + 2.6
* Agility - 15 + 2
* Intelligence - 15 + 1.6
He has four abilities: Hoof Stomp, Double Edge, Return, Great Fortitude.
1. Hoof Stomp - Slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units.
2. Double Edge - The Centaur summons a tremendous amount of inner strength and releases a very powerful attack. It can only be done at melee range, and it damages both the Warchief and the enemy unit.
3. Return - The Centaur Warchief immediately counters every attack against him with a swift strike.
4. Great Fortitude - The Centaur Warchief's mammoth body is capable of absorbing great amounts of punishment.
Dark Templar
* Strength - 17 + 2.0
* Agility - 24 + 2.9
* Intelligence - 14 + 1.3
He has four abilities: Blocking Sphere, Blink, Paradise Speed and Permanent Cloak.
1. Blocking Sphere - Creates a sphere of radius 400, which blocks the path. Blocks only area of the same height as the caster.
2. Blink - Teleports the Dark Templar to a nearby target location. Range - 800.
3. Paradise Speed - Increase attack speed of Dark Templar.
4. Permanent Cloak - Dark Templar becomes permanently invisible when not attacking and don't get damage.
* Strength - 16 + 1.7
* Agility - 21 + 2.9
* Intelligence - 15 + 2.6
He has four abilities: Sniper Round, Sniper Rifle, Critical Strike and EMP Round.
1. Sniper Round - a carefull shot, dealing damage. Range - 1000.
2. Sniper Rifle - increase attack range of sniper rifle.
3. Critical Strike - gives a chanse to deal 1.5 times damage on an attack.
4. EMP Round - creates an electromagnetic pulse that drains energy from units in the targeted area. Cloaked units hit by EMP are revealed for 10 seconds. Range 1000.
* 2.You have to wait a designated time (your level x 4 seconds) until your hero revive at your base fountain. You can rebuy your hero in circle of power for 250 minerals. At the moment forgetting learned abilities and artifacts, only experience of hero.
* 3. The hero has inventory with six slots. With the purchase of artifacts at once fall in inventory hero. You can sell items. Items now stacks. Items stores in inventory hero.
* 4. Five basic stores: Cache of Quel-thelan, Ancient of Wonders, Sena The Accesorizer, Weapons Dealer, Marketplace. Each of them is only part of the artifacts from Dota.
* 5. Complete list of artifacts that exist at the moment in the game: Belt Of Giant Strength, Blades Of Attack, Boots Of Speed, Circlet Of Nobility, Clarity Potion, Dust Of Appearance, Gauntlets Of Ogre Strength, Gem Of True Sight, Healing Salve, Helm Of Iron Will, Hyperstone, Messerschmidt's Reaver, Ogre Axe, Ring Of Health, Ring Of The Regeneration, Slippers Of Agility, Ultimate Orb, Blade Of Alacrity, Boots Of Elvenskin, Broadsword,Chain Mail, Claymore, Demon Edge, Eaglehorn, Energy Booster, Gloves Of Haste, Ironwood Branch, Javelin, Mantle Of Intelligence, Mithril Hammer, Mystic Staff, Plate Mail, Point Booster, Quarterstaff, Ring Of Protection, Robe Of The Magi, Sacred Relic, Sobi Mask, Staff Of Wizardry, Vitality Booster, Void Stone. Clarity Potion and Healing Salve not working properly at this time. If you take the artifact, then you will be the effect of regeneration after a while it will end, but if you throw item and take it again, the effect will again be on you. Items at the moment not stack. I.e. if you buy two identical artifacts, then the effect will be only one. Complete information on the items can be found here
o Recipe Item: Bracer(Requires:Circlet of Nobility, Gauntlets of Strength)
* 6. Towers. For Paradise: Thermal Tower Level 1, Thermal Tower Level 2, Thermal Tower Level 3, Thermal Tower Level 4. For Hell: Acid Tower Level 1, Acid Tower Level 2, Acid Tower Level 3, Acid Tower Level 4.
* 7. Buildings on the base. For Paradise: Well of Life, Nexus, Stargate, Gateway, Forge, Robotics Facility, Pylon. For Hell: Hell's Well Of Life, Hive, Hydralisk Den, Infestation Pit, Nydus Worm, Roach Warren, Spawning Pool.
* 8. Lane creeps. For Paradise: Zealot, Stalker, Immortal, Zealot Mega, Stalker Mega, Immortal Mega. For Hell: Zergling, Hydralisk, Roach, Zergling Mega, Hydralisk Mega, Roach Mega.
* 9. Commands in game:
1. -lvlup Level up your hero.
2. -lvlup xx When xx - number>=24. Increases the level of your hero to the last.
3. -minerals xxxx Give you xxxx minerals.
4. -ms Show movement speed of hero.
5. -clear Clear all text messages.
* 10. For killing creeps hero gets minerals and experience in a range 10(as 1000 range in Dota). Complete information on these data can be found here. You can deny creeps. For denying creeps hero gets low experience.
* 11. For killing of buildings and towers, you get minerals.
* 12. Clock that shows time of day. Full cycle passes for 900 seconds of real time.
* 13. The relief maps are now very close to the original. Unfortunately I was unable to make a perfect copy of the map, but it's even better that it will be different from him.
* 14. Leaderbord with ranks and info about wave.
* 15. Mechanics of misses. 25% chanse to miss if height of attacking unit < target unit.
* 16. Multiplayer game(1 on 1 only).
* 17. Four Runes: Damage Rune(+50% damage for 45 seconds), Regen Rune(restores your health by 3000 and mana by 2000 over 30 seconds), Haste Rune(+50% movement speed and lasts 30 seconds), Invis Rune(gives your hero invisibility for 45 seconds).
* 18. Neutral creeps: Drone, Banshee, Battlecruiser, Hellion, Triton, Thor Mini, Thor, Viking, Viking Small, Sentry, Red Sentry.
As you can see, I'm trying to implement the mechanics of DotA in the map. Map is still raw, so do not be surprised if you find bugs.
When creating a map, I have used materials, ideas, mods of Terrens, xhatix, Th3LaughingMan, Picklefish, Bifuu, NiNtoxicated01, JakeStake, zifoon.
Special thanks IceFrog, his map, and site http://www.playdota.com.
Good luck and have fun.
DotU - Mechanics
DotU - Dark Templar
Change Log
* 1. Fixed many bugs after new patch.(currently, not all)
* 2. Marine now have abilities: Electric Current, Electric Shock, Marine Shield, Stimpack.
* 3. Neutral creeps currently deleted from map.
* 4. Phase boots deleted, added ability teleport to any point of map.
* 5. All timers currently deleted.
* 6. Critical strike don't show.
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- AoS (Dota-like)
- Author:
- KorvinGump 4
- Filename:
- Defence of the Universe 0.9e.SC2Map
- Project Page:
- Defence of the Universe
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 4.8 MB
- Overall Rating:
3 / 5 (7 votes, ranked #252) - Tags:
- custom, defence, dota, dotu, sc2, starcraft 2, ums
- Players:
- 2
- Teams:
- 2
- Favorites:
- 4
- Downloads (Total):
- 10,280
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- KorvinGump 4
- Discovered On:
- July 19, 2010
Share Map
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Defence of the Universe
Defence of the Universe 0.9e.SC2Map (4.8 MB)
- Released:
- July 19, 2010
- Downloads:
- 10,280
- Direct Link:

- Opinion:
7 votes considered -
- Good
- Terrain:
- Units:
- Sound:
- Replay Value:
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Map Variants
Name | Mode |
Defence of the Ancients None |
None None |
User Comments
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I am impressed, this is really nice :), well, of course it lacks a little something here and there, but its VERY nice, alone the fact that you can view how you done the stuff is usefull. GJ. and a good beginning.
I am amazed with ur work in such a primitive editor(since its only a beta editor). Its just this map is a scourge even tho it did in fact start on sc1(Aeon of Strife, thus the term "AoS" - but failed miserably on sc1). If ur going to remake the game, at least give Curticey(sp?) to give the game back its true original name if you are returning it to starcraft. I don't mean to sound whiny, & i do hope this map turns out good, but i just want creativity to be able to thrive unlike on wc3
hmmm... should it be called defense of the aliens? :D
hi, the map is not localizzed neutral. some one, like me, cant see good. this tutorial tell u how to fix this bug.
goodwork.very nice game.
thank you
in game i see some script errors.
but not interrupts game
@superbay it seems you found your solution to your problem ;-)
as i said over there
This is looking quite great.
(even more so because you used the Galaxy Editor to do it)
I'll test it out in a few minutes.
I'll report back here with some feedback.
Edit: Tested - was great, I loved the units and names, but I'm getting a lot of Parameter & Name issues.
Very nice map/.
But I also get Param/value/..
Behaver/tooltip stuff like this..
How can I fix it.
i am not the map creator and because he doesnt seem to be interesting so far (or just the guy dont know so lets give him a break but users here gave him the answer) about fixing the problem with the scripts i took the responsibility to do it my self.
so here you are, even smaller in size.
the fixed version of this map should work in all locaz of starcraft2
works ok with ALLin1 set to "Use map settings"
p.s thats not my job to do it, i just made a small favor to some users.
looks like vernam took care of the frenzy. Thanks a lot man, as usual i tip my hat to you ;)
p.s. if people can read this map was uploaded by me but i am not the author, he is on a different site. i feel the need to spread good maps tho ;)
lol i am right there with you vernam, never enjoyed dota but it seems to be popular :)
Creativity Thriwed ALOT in wc3.
untill DoTa came along, dota pratically killed Every single custom map execept for a few ones.
i havent seen the tech wars map for a LOOOONG time.
(/the one with money upgrades sandstorm and alot of other stuff).
And thanks Vernam7, for the fix :).
I liked dota, have played it a lot.
Now i play Leage of Legends.
This map is absolutely no competition for those game.
So I had to give it a low rating.
i can't launch it it says "unable to launch" (cry) QQ
Make AoS, I don't wanna see DotA on SC2. -.-
Hey CraftLord, thats completely unfair.
The game isn't even out yet and you're saying its not as good as Dota (6 Years of development from creation) and League of Legends (1 year of public, 1 year of invite-only beta, and 2 years of creation before that?)
You can't compare products like that to something that isn't even using the final version of the editor.
What you SHOULD do is report bugs and criticize gameplay flaws.
And Artanis, AoS is coming. Just wait. =D
I'm also going to upload Aeon of Strife SC1 in a week or two when I search my archives. (since google turns up ZERO results of the original maps which is disappointing.)
what i need to run this map please support ^^,
too bad the inventory is not yet fixed :P
Oh NO you don't!! Don't corrupt the beautiful game of starcraft with this dota bullshit!! nevah!!
Keep dota outa me starcraft 2! See what it did to warcraft 3? It stomped out all the other games, Now wc3 is in a warped messed up state. Its all dota.............
I gave it a low rating as well. 2/5.
I DID rate it for what it is, because that's what they delivered to us. If they wanted me to give them a fair rating for its end product, then give me the end product, not a beta. I rate this beta 2/5.
If you want to have an AoS-style map that isn't Warcraft 3/DotA, some of us over at staredit.net are going to be remaking Temple Siege for SC2. Should be epic!
Let's not have DotA take over SC2 same as it did with WC3. It destroyed the custom mapping scene, and no one should want that to happen again.
Very good map, love how you have made it Dota like!
One thing that you could add in the next version could be a save feature as I got up to level 13 and by then I had, had enough of playing.
How i can change preview image?